Friday, March 6, 2009


Am I the only one that is now officially afraid of asteroids? You do realize that an asteroid just passed within 38,000 miles of Earth don't you. If that doesn't seem very close to you, consider this. The Universe could very possibly be INFINITE with INFINITE galaxies. If you want to know why we can't prove that the Universe is infinite then try counting to infinity. 38,000 miles is very close when you consider how large even just the Milky Way Galaxy is. Also consider that our satellites orbit Earth at about 25,000 miles or so. The best part about this blog hasn't even been said yet. The best part is that we found out that this asteroid existed 5 days before it would have impacted Earth. An asteroid that is 40 yards wide would have had the strength of hundreds of nuclear missiles and would have done very significant damage where ever it would have made impact. 5 Days. In Deep Impact, Morgan Freeman told Earth about that comet months in advance. In Armageddon, Bruce Willis and his team had a couple months to train for their mission. In real life, 5 days is enough time to get religious because I guess that's all we would have been able to do. Why did some scientist find it when it was so close to Earth you ask? That's because people on this planet don't really seem to give a shit about anything except money or something that will profit. The budget for finding these asteroids, meteors, comets, whatever the hell you wanna call them, is proposterous. There is probably more funding for executing murderers in humane ways instead of just shooting them. You would think that Earthlings would be more concerned about an event like this happening that would end life as we know it on Earth, but we really don't seem to care. We are a unique species.

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