I have not written on here in quite some time and truthfully it’s because I haven’t really been inspired to write about anything. Well now I’m finally inspired to write about something and that something is the ignorance of people in general. Our planet is basically dying from a virus that is called humans. Everyone keeps saying that we’re in serious trouble if we don’t make some drastic changes right now, yet we all realize it but we just don’t care. It’s like we need a wake-up call. After WW2, FDR told Detroit that they would not stop working but they would just start building cars rather than tanks. And guess what, they did exactly that. Then that city boomed for years after and the entire US economy boomed as a result. Right now lots of people are stepping up and saying we need to do something NOW and radically change the way we are going about our ways, but nobody will act. Scientists, Geologists, Politicians, etc. The only difference is that nobody cares because they don’t want to change. I watched a movie recently where there was a SIMULATED Global Summit of 2015 and the results were just sad. These were all important people representing their countries that could very well be the representatives present when 2015 rolls around. The Summit ended with China and the United States arguing about an Energy usage Policy and neither side would agree to terms. In a simulation…. how sad is that? It was like watching little children argue over a toy. We are reaching a point of no return and if we don’t take things like Global Warming seriously, which some politicians still claim is not being caused by humans by the way, we are going to seriously screw ourselves. In the future if there is some super human race or if aliens come visit they may look back at us and think they we were just really stupid to think we could survive forever like this. Governments are going to have to change, people are going to have to change. The levees for Hurricane Katrina were only built to withstand a Category 3 Hurricane and look what happened when a Category 5 came. They rebuilt those levees to withstand a Category 5 right? I mean right? No, no they rebuilt them exactly the same to withstand a Category 3. We keep planning and preparing for disasters that are normal but since when is a freaking disaster normal!? Never! That’s why they’re called disasters lol! I could seriously sit here and take a break and laugh at how stupid some people are…. okay enough laughing. So how about we stop drilling and burning fuel and start inventing new ideas and investing in them?! Insulate your home, drive a smaller car, plant a freaking garden or something. Aah!
I’m transitioning here without a transition sentence because this is not an English paper, it’s MY freaking blog so I don’t care.
I had fully intended on ranting about Solar Flares but because the most up to date book at Jacksonville’s Public Library was written in 1961, I will have to keep that part of my blog a little short. Please keep in mind that Chemistry was not my best subject here. Basically the Sun is made up of Hydrogen, Helium, and Heat. It is constantly in a cycle where Helium combines with heat, which creates more Hydrogen. Then Hydrogen crashes into other particles of Hydrogen which creates a reaction and when it happens enough times in a limited space, this reaction causes a Solar Flare. Now the Sun runs on an 11 year cycle, year one being the less reactive and 11 being the most reactive, and we are currently on the tenth year of this cycle. So lots of scientists are predicting a very large Solar Flare sometime next year. If that happened it would be enough energy to knock out our entire power grid. Everything runs off of electricity these days so that means no power, no clean water, no sanitary sewer, no computers, etc. And please keep in mind that everything runs off computers which would make that a really big deal. The grid would not be off for a few days, it would be off for months or maybe even years. Maybe we should practice Morse code. The most powerful Solar Flare to ever hit Earth was sometime in the 1860’s and was powerful enough to shock Morse code operators but other than that it did not do much damage because everything wasn’t run off electricity. If that exact one hit today though, that would not be good. Because the Earth has been getting so much hotter over the last ten years and at such a rapid pace, that is why Scientists are starting to say that next year could be bad. But we’re taking steps to prepare right? Oh wait that’s not until like next year or something so… let’s like not worry about it yet. If we ever find some super race that generates their own electricity, has wind turbines on every corner, gardens growing up the side of buildings, cleaning their own water, planting trees everywhere and maintaining green grass,… well I’d be embarrassed to call myself human.
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